Michigan Seal

The Constitution
In 2026 a Michigan Constitutional Convention (Con Con) proposal to rewrite Michigan's Constitution will be on the ballot.

In 2026 I will vote "YES" for a Con Con to rewrite the Michigan Constitution because many Michiganians and state institutions will be better off with a rewritten constitution.  

I believe the Michigan Constitution should give individuals more protection by giving citizens more direct control over how state institutions are regulated and governed.  The Michigan Supreme Court should not be allowed to police the legal system.  This is due to a severe conflict of interest.  It is the fox guarding the hen house.  Voting for Michigan Supreme Court Justices never involves the important  issue of policing the legal system.  I propose that the Michigan Constitution creates an elected Michigan Legal Oversight Board to police the legal system instead of the Michigan Supreme Court appointed Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, Attorney Discipline Board, and the Judicial Tenure Commission.  Any Michigan citizen should be able to run for the proposed Michigan Legal Oversight Board. 

The Michigan Constitution should state that the majority of members of state regulatory boards should not be from the group the particular board regulates. 

Michigan's Constitution makes Michigan an outlier concerning how Michigan Supreme Court Justices are elected.  The state's constitution gives the governor exclusive power to appoint justices and judges, which needs to be changed.  Some states' constitutions require judicial retention elections and public judicial evaluation commissions.  Michigan is the only state whose constitution states that the governing boards of some public universities should be elected in state wide partisan elections.  Michigan's Constitution prohibits a graduated state income tax.  The Michigan legislature should have the power to establish rules concerning civil suits. Michigan is one of the worst states concerning Freedom of Information Acts and sources of "dark political donations."  A new constitution should require disclosures that current politicians refuse to allow. 

There have been amendments to the current Michigan Constitution, but some proposed changes such as the above are not going to happen with the amendment process.  

A con con and rewrite would not guarantee any specific item being in a new constitution.  Some people fear that special interest groups could insert proposals they do not like into a new constitution.  Others may be apprehensive of change.  A rewritten constitution may not be approved by the voters.

I would like others to join the debate concerning the Michigan Constitutional Convention proposal that will be on the ballot in November, 2026.

Theodore A. Golden, M.D.